The 2022 Holiday Trends That Retailers Should Know


Fri Sep 30 2022

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Get Ready for the Festive Season With These Holiday Retail Trends Predictions

This 2022 holiday shopping season is fast approaching, and it will be the first post-pandemic: shoppers have returned to buy in physical stores as well as online, but there’s a lot of uncertainty around how this festive retail season is going to unfold, due to current inflation and global instability. If you’re struggling to get a clear view of what’s coming in the months ahead, here’s a brief recap of seven holiday trend predictions that all retailers should consider.

Christmas Shopping Is Starting Earlier This Year

When things get uncertain, planning becomes essential. This year, in order to face inflation and price rises, shoppers are planning their holiday gift shopping accurately and will start looking for gifts earlier than usual. According to Criteo, 50% of consumers were already thinking about holiday gifts in July and 30% of them already bought some in August or early September. In particular, Gen-Z and Millennials are starting earlier than Gen-X and Boomers. Make sure to prepare your store to face this change and fine-tune your catalog and inventory in advance.

Intentional Spending Will Be the Priority

Another trend that emerged due to the global financial situation is intentional spending— the action of spending money with a purpose, making buying decisions that live up to our own financial goals and personal values. With households suffering economic pressure in all aspects of life, it’s a fact that intentional spending decisions will be a priority in most consumers’ holiday shopping.

Cyber Month Is Stealing Black Friday’s Spotlight

For many consumers, Black Friday has often been synonymous with impulse buying instead of intentional buying— hence the need for a mindset switch this year. In combination with the right financial planning and more conscious buying decisions, shoppers will be looking for great deals and discount initiatives during the whole month of November. In the last couple of years indeed, Cyber Month has slowly stolen the spotlight reserved for Black Friday, with online and offline stores extending their offers way beyond the canonical BF weekend. Consider planning your store promotions accordingly, spreading them over the month, and allowing your clients to better organize their purchases.

Physical and Online Will Equally Perform 

According to Criteo’s global consumer survey, physical stores are much more popular than they were a year ago: after years of Covid restrictions, shoppers are eager to live real-life experiences and stores have become not only a place for purchases but also one for inspiration. At the same time, online shopping remains as strong as before, with many consumers choosing it for its immediacy and convenience. What’s the winning formula then? To have them both: equipping your store with an efficient e-commerce platform could help you increase your seasonal sales. Furthermore, in-store shoppers are twice more likely to purchase when they can also visit the retailer’s website and reflect on their choices accurately.

Consciousness and Sustainability Will Drive Choices

This year, consumers’ buying choices will be not only financially conscious but ethically conscious too. Sustainability remains a priority and a decision-making factor for many, especially among Gen Zers and Millennials. Make conscious consumption a pillar of your business strategy and stock local brands and ethical products, which can make your clientele happy while also doing some good to the planet. At Mirta, we have a great selection of local and contemporary brands, committed to ethical and slow production.

Influencers and Socials Are Main Sources of Inspiration

Social channels and social influencers are going to remain an important source of inspiration during the entire gift-giving season. Organic socials, social ads, and influencers have been shaping customers’ behavior for some time now and this festive season makes no exception. Consider investing some of your seasonal budget in these channels.

Personalization Rises as an Important Sale Trigger

Personalization has emerged as a strong trend in the last few years, and the festive period is a great moment to make the most of it. Personalized gifts have something very special about them, so you can expect consumers’ demand to increase exponentially in the run-up to Christmas. Make sure to include personalized options in your store offer— embroidered letters, printed names, special color combinations, and anything that can make a gift truly unique.

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