Extremida was born of Flavio and Debora. The name is a mixture of extreme and Midas, the legendary king who turned everything he touched into gold. After graduating as a goldsmith from the Porta Romana Institute, Flavio specialized in the Florentine goldsmith workshops and worked in the jewelry stores of the Ponte Vecchio. After graduating in graphics design, Debora began her journey in antique furniture restoration, but she discovered her passion for jewelry making while observing Flavio in his laboratory.Together they create jewelry pieces that present themselves in ever-changing forms. The initially simple shapes naturally evolved into a more baroque and gothic structure, which they still add the finishing touches to their jewelry. What is important is the personal search for each stone that can be seen in their jewelry. The stones come from places they have explored, and so the memory of that place is captured in a piece of jewelry. So each piece of jewelry contains a piece of a particular journey.